Predictive AI to cut parking time
The smart parking system will help reduce space for project developers by at least 25-30% compared to traditional systems.
Blockchain’s potential in tackling climate change
Micro-transactive grids involve a limited number of participants with each dwelling or household producing solar powered energy. Bockchain will provide a transparent, auditable and automated market trading and clearing mechanism for the benefit of producers and consumers.
Malaysia Airlines unveils new flight booking chatbot
The airline company predicts that the chatbot will also enable a higher customer lifetime value. The chatbot mimics human conversation and was designed to understand travellers’ needs and facilitate smoother transactions.
Philippines launches search for Startup Champions
The 25 Startup Champions chosen will represent the 17 regions of the Philippines and 8 clusters of the DICT. They are positioned to reach the start-ups that are outside of Manila in terms of proximity. They know how to work under the business and ICT conditions that these start-ups are facing.
Legal and tech experts to compete in Hackathon in Malaysia
The judges invited to reviews the final products include experts in the fields of law, technology, education and business.
UGM supports start-ups vide Innovative Academy Appcelerate
The Innovative Academy Appcelerate will serve as a training opportunity for participants, coming from across different disciplines, to collaborate in digital technology business ideas. The participants are expected to come up with smart ideas related to supply chain, smart city and logistics.
Hong Kong named Asia’s eighth-best city for tech enterprises
Tech occupiers are attracted to the city for the increasing connectivity between Shenzhen and China and the expansions of major tech firms.
New Zealand’s Innovative Partnerships look into space
A Memorandum of Understanding commits both to work together in growing the space industry and capabilities in space-related R&D of New Zealand. The decision to invest in New Zealand is due in part to the support the company received from the Government’s Innovative Partnerships programme.