U.S. Institute of Technology Pushes Forward Manufacturing Tech Roadmap
NIST announced a competition to develop technology roadmaps to address technological barriers, identify high-priority research projects, and catalyse development in the advanced manufacturing sector.
Vietnam Launches Smartphone App To Aid Persons With Disabilities
The digital platform aims to make the lives of the estimated six million people – or 7% of the population – that live with a disability in Vietnam easier by enhancing support for needs-based assistance.
New Zealand Deploys Artificial Intelligence to Solve Crime
New Zealand’s facial recognition provider takes AI to the next level in assisting law enforcement agencies in solving crimes.
India Unveils AI Patents Report
The report provides a broad outlook of the techno-legal field of AI patents in India and includes key trends across several patents, assignees, and application areas.
Taiwan’s Latest Biotech Innovations
To adapt and thrive in the VUCA period created by the COVID19 pandemic, Taiwan has embraced digital transformation in the healthcare industry by utilising the latest biotech innovations.
Vietnam Explores Information Technology For Farmers
E-commerce platforms are expected to help connect farmers with consumers and trusted suppliers to ensure quality, origin, and competitive prices.
Cloud Based Platforms Are Key for Business Continuity in the Philippines
As serious efforts to improve the Philippines economy are underway, implementing cloud technology could be a viable strategy for business continuity, sustainability and growth.