Singapore-Australia Forge Green and Digital Shipping Corridor
Singapore and Australia take the lead in spearheading green and digital shipping cooperation, paving the way for sustainable and technologically advanced maritime practices between the two nations.
India’s Mission MAHIR Advancing Power Sector Tech
The mission aims to identify and develop emerging tech in the power sector, fostering indigenous innovation and positioning India as a global manufacturing hub, with a focus on areas such as energy storage, green hydrogen, carbon capture, and nanotechnology.
New Material Boosts Efficiency of Next-Gen Ceramic Fuel Cells
Scientists from ANSTO and Tokyo Tech uncover a novel high-conductivity material for advanced ceramic fuel cells, revolutionising energy technologies through enhanced proton transport and safer operation at lower temperatures.
Logic-Aware Model Transforming Language Understanding
The MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory research team recognises the importance of focusing on smaller models and using natural language to understand products in various industries.
Going Cashless: Vietnamese Consumers Embrace Digital Payments
In 2022, 90% of Vietnamese customers attempted cashless payments, with increased usage of online cards, mobile wallets, and QR payments. Virtual banking has also gained interest. Post-COVID, consumers prioritise home delivery, online shopping, and health-related purchases.
STOU and APU Collaborate for Future Research and Development
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) and Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) join forces to advance tech-focused research, foster innovation, and create a collaborative learning environment in higher education.