The two new satellites launched by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) two months ago have successfully completed their first space missions.
The two new satellites are namely, the VELOX-CI – Singapore’s first climate monitoring; and VELOX-II, the world’s first small satellite which carries a “communication-on-demand” technology which can send data back to NTU anytime and anywhere in space.
These satellites are then used to test other new satellite technologies.
Firstly, the 123-kg microsatellite VELOX-CI, supported by Singapore’s Economic Development Board, is designed to evaluate a new precise navigation system and to measure atmospheric parameters for studying the tropical climate.
It has successfully tested different NTU-designed technologies – Precision GPS (Global Positioning System), ionosphere measurements, Radio Occultation and the Star tracker navigation software.
Secondly, the VELOX-II is a 12-kg nanosatellite. It is designed and built by NTU to test three unique technologies for small satellite systems.
It has successfully tested out the Fast GPS tracking algorithm, an On-demand-communication and the Radiation resistant chip.
Thus, by completing their primary missions, these two satellites have proved the commercial viability of several other new made in Singapore satellite technologies, of which includes a space navigation system.
“This success is a result of rigorous testing of the satellites conducted before launch and the excellent team we have trained over the years. Our next challenge now is to design future satellites that can carry advanced custom-built payloads,” said Associate Professor Low Kay Soon, Director of NTU’s Satellite Research Centre.
In the near future, the NTU team is now ready to take on more commercial satellite payloads from companies and industry partners. They also desire to offer their satellite building expertise to international and Singapore companies in hope to subsequently develop innovative space products for the global market.
“NTU’s expertise in satellite technology has grown rapidly since we built and launched X-SAT, Singapore’s first locally built satellite in 2011. In just a few years we have proven that NTU has what it takes to play a major role in supporting Singapore’s leap into the space industry.”
Image from NTU Singapore