The Australian Federal Government is helping small businesses to grow and create more jobs with the recent launch of the National Innovation Games in the Gold Coast.
The Mechanics
According to a recent press release, ten teams of businesses, students and graduates will put their minds to the test in the competition, which fosters creative thinking and collaboration.
Most students and graduates will reportedly have backgrounds in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews explained that bringing together the best and brightest with the industry leaders in this fun environment will help boost the economy and create jobs.
Each Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) will grapple with the day’s challenge, requiring them to think outside of the box and to collaborate in order to unlock innovative solutions.
Benefits of joining
The great thing about these Games is that teams that do not win will still walk away with know-how, which will help them grow their business and create new job opportunities.
The Games will provide participants with these opportunities:
- Students and graduates gain valuable experience, knowledge, networks, skills and potential employment opportunities.
- Business owners and employees upgrade their skills.
- Business owners gain innovative ideas to run their businesses and adapt to future challenges.
- Business owners see the practical application and value of STEM skills for their businesses.
- Businesses improve their digital capability and customer services offerings.
Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, Michaelia Cash shared that the Games are a great example of how small businesses can benefit from embracing technology and creative thinking.
Government support
The Morrison Government is providing AU$ 3.5 million over two years for the delivery of the Games to boost STEM participation and innovative business thinking.
The Government is committed to helping more Australian small businesses innovate and grow because when small businesses prosper, the economy thrives and every Australian benefits.
Helping small and medium sized businesses to innovate is part of the Morrison Government’s plan to grow the economy and create 1.25 million jobs over the next five years.
These Games are just another example of how the Government is supporting those who put their hand up to have a go, especially in the small business sector.
National Innovation Games
The event in the Gold Coast is the first of up to 30 that will be rolled out in every state and territory, in both metropolitan and regional areas.
Each event will focus on a locally relevant, real-life challenge. The Gold Coast event, for instance, challenged teams to find ways to improve business waste management.
Teams will pitch their solutions and the winners will be chosen by a judging panel at the end of each event. Future Games will draw on a broad range of innovation, technology and digital challenges.