Creating Better Electronic Health Record with Machine Learning in the U.S.
An AI-enhanced system enables doctors to spend less time searching for clinical information and more time treating patients.
ICT Solutions for Philippine Public Schools by 2022
The Department of Education will be rolling out its Computerisation Programme (DCP) and five other programmes which aim to provide ICT packages and IT infrastructure in public schools.
Indian Institute Launches Centre for Quantum Technologies
The centre will explore new quantum materials, quantum processors, cryogenic controllers, the modelling and technology development of semiconducting qubits, CMOS and 2D materials, among others.
Digital Vouchers to Stimulate Taiwan’s Economy
The Taiwanese government rolled our digital vouchers to citizens and other eligible groups via digital payment services such as credit cards and mobile wallets to stimulate the economy post pandemic.
Indonesia to Develop Green Building
To achieve a net-zero emission future, Indonesia is looking to establish green buildings – something it is felt will be key to strengthen the country’s resilience to climate change.
Vietnam, Cuba Enhance Collaboration in Information-Communication Security
The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in training, improve capacity on information security, protect critical information infrastructure, and respond to computer incidents.