EXCLUSIVE! Data-Driven Governance: Empowering Public Agencies for Enhanced Public Services
Data-driven governance has the potential to revolutionise public service delivery and enhance citizen experience.
EKSKLUSIF! Pemerintahan Berbasis Data: Peningkatan Pelayanan Publik Melalui Pemberdayaan Lembaga Pemerintahan
Pemerintahan berbasis data memiliki potensi untuk meningkatkan pelayanan publik dan memperkuat tata kelola pemerintah.
The Evolving Role of Local Media in Singapore’s Digital Landscape
The country recognises the importance of local media in the fast-changing digital landscape, which leads to the government-media interaction being crucial for moulding public opinion and informing citizens.
Aadhaar Authentication Surpasses 1.96 Billion Transactions
There was a substantial increase of over 19.3% in the number of authentication transactions carried out by Aadhaar holders. Fingerprint-based authentication was the most common method, followed by demographic and OTP-based authentications.
Transforming Healthcare: Molecular Probes for Diagnostic Imaging
The JC STEM Lab of ChemProbes will drive interdisciplinary research on molecular probes as diagnostic imaging tools, addressing talent scarcity, and aiming to advance biomedical applications and regional growth in diagnostic probe technologies.
Thailand’s Comprehensive Strategy for Tackling Pollution
Proactive measures by the Pollution Control Department, including policies, practical solutions, awareness-raising, and extensive research on PM2.5, aim to combat particulate pollution and revolutionise pollution control efforts.
Satellite Mapping for Farm-to-Market Roads in the Philippines
The Philippine Space Agency and the Department of Agriculture joined forces to conduct collaborative research on corn and onion crops, utilising space data for enhanced agricultural insights and advancements.
India, Israel Partner on Tech Solutions for Water Management
The countries aim to collaborate on projects related to integrated water resource management, including water and sewage recycling, IoT solutions and online monitoring, water harvesting, smart data management and AI applications.
Victoria Invests in High-Tech Education and Sustainable Job Opportunities
The government prioritises renewable energy, revives the State Electricity Commission, invests in Tech Schools and establishes training centres to provide skilled employment opportunities.