Singapore Government to Build the Biggest Solar Farm in the Southern Islands
JTC Corporation will build the largest solar farm in collaboration with Shell to achieve zero carbon emissions and meet the country’s growing clean energy needs.
Digital Humanities Research Project in Taiwan
Taiwan’s Academia Sinica Centre for Digital Cultures is issuing an open call for project proposals to improve humanities research by exploring the various possibilities of humanities research in utilising digital technology.
Singapore Debuts SGTraDex to Improve Supply Chain Ecosystem
The project aims to streamline information flows through a common data highway to build a stronger and robust global supply chain ecosystem.
iPaaS for Simplifying Modern IT Management
iPaaS and integration platforms offer the efficiency and ease of use to support innovative applications and modernisation initiatives to improve citizen engagement.
The Philippines Deploys Air Quality Monitors for Volcano Affected Areas
The Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD) had recently launched the country’s first air quality monitor as solutions to reduce pollution caused by the volcanic eruption.
HKU Team Develops Novel Wearable Device
A researcher at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at HKU has developed a novel wearable electrocardiogram sensor by integrating flexible, ultra-thin organic semiconductors into a flexible polyimide substrate.
Digital Rights Management Technology Providing Strong Copyright Protection
To protect digital rights and prevent digital content from being pirated during its online transmission, DRM with encryption technology provides stable performance, better user experience, and lower cost.
Ramping Up Measures to Help Monitor COVID-19 in New Zealand
Local researchers have advised the government of New Zealand to enhance measures and early precautions using existing tools to track Covid-19, given that the new variant is up to twice as infectious as the original strain.
ANU Launches Lab to Study Green Tech
A new lab that will help build a greener and climate change resilient electricity grid through technological R&D has been officially opened at The Australian National University.
Dealing with the Rise in Phishing Attacks in the Philippines
As more employees return to work during this time span, reports indicate that there has been a significant increase in phishing email attacks related to HR that could affect organisations.
U.S. Researchers Evaluate Face Recognition Software’s Accuracy for Flight Boarding
As the application of face recognition is currently part of the U.S. onboarding process for international flights, U.S. researchers evaluated the reliability of the technology and offered guidance to refine the operations.