The Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Navy (AL) requires capable technological instruments to carry out its tasks as the front line of national defence. However, the Republic of Indonesia Ship (KRI), the spearhead of the Indonesian Navy’s strength, continues to use manual communication lights. Seeing this, student-researchers from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) created the Automorse lamp.
This innovation handles the problem of KRI communication lights with a manual approach, which can make work slower and more prone to human error. This inspired the student-researchers under the ITS Physics Engineering Department to develop Automorse, a technology that can automatically translate Morse lamps.
The Automorse employs a flashlight password transmitting and receiving system, it has a system that can run automatically and is encrypted using image processing. The team used a digital computing technology called the Smart Flash Processing System (SFPS) applications that can be integrated with lighting.
The SFPS was initially modified based on test results that demonstrated accurate sending and receiving of messages. Improvements include the use of military-grade materials, data security systems, batteries, and the number of phrases received and delivered.
Automorse system has a software element that controls hardware and converts passwords. The hardware appears just like armoured spotlights and a microcontroller. The spotlight is made up of numerous components, including LED lights and cameras.
The enhancement is likely to boost SFPS’s effectiveness and efficiency. Once improved, Automorse can be used outside of the control room, reducing the possibility of flashlight operators making mistakes.
Meanwhile, the ITS Sapuangin Team earned a name for itself once more in the international arena. One of ITS’s most prestigious energy-efficient automobile teams won the eco marathon virtual programme.
This type of sub-race, according to ITS Sapuangin General Manager William Mikhael Parlindungan, encourages competitors to produce innovations using Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math to increase driver consistency when turning the car and pressing the gas pedal. This is done to achieve the best possible fuel efficiency through a concept known as Race Start Mode.
Computations using Matlab software were included in the innovation, thus a simulation is carried out to demonstrate that the concepts are very likely to be implemented. This large proposal, which has been working on for a month, comprises two ideas based on entering car performance data, namely Automatic Gear Shift and Automatic Pedal.
The Automatic Gear Shift seeks to maintain optimal engine speed to save gasoline. As a result, when the engine speed exceeds the specified limit for each gear, the system will automatically transfer gears. The Automatic Pedal was activated due to excessive fuel consumption caused by driver inconsistencies when starting and driving. This system will place limits on the gas pedal to prevent the consumption of excessive gasoline because of pressing the gas pedal too hard. The gas pedal will be held if it exceeds the needs of the car engine while it is running.
ITS has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to use big data technology to help researchers deliver courses. ITS showed how big data can be utilised to help with research and the establishment of research journals that can be used by businesses and colleges.
Students can also use technology as a venue to improve their work professionally. If students are knowledgeable in the field of data processing using big data, they may obtain employment more easily. Also, big data technology can be utilised to cultivate student entrepreneurial skills. Hence, ITS believes that big data technology can be used to benefit society.