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In a groundbreaking development, scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), have engineered ultra-thin semiconductor fibres capable of being seamlessly woven into fabrics, transforming them into wearable electronics. This innovative breakthrough holds immense potential in reshaping the landscape of wearable technology, paving the way for enhanced accessibility and functionality in smart wearable devices.
Overcoming the challenges of stress-induced defects and instability in manufacturing, NTU scientists meticulously analysed stress dynamics using advanced modelling and simulations. Their careful material selection and production sequencing yielded hair-thin, defect-free fibres up to 100 meters in length, demonstrating their scalability for market adoption.
The versatile semiconductor fibres seamlessly integrate into fabrics through conventional methods, showcased by NTU’s prototypes: a smart beanie for visually impaired individuals, a shirt doubling as a museum audio guide, and a smartwatch with a flexible sensor wristband for accurate heart rate monitoring during physical activities.
Associate Professor Wei Lei, lead-principal investigator of the study at NTU, said, “The successful fabrication of our high-quality semiconductor fibres underscores the interdisciplinary collaboration within our team, drawing expertise from materials science, mechanical, and electrical engineering domains. This collaborative effort has enabled us to overcome longstanding challenges in fibre technology, unlocking the door to defect-free threads with remarkable electrical and optoelectronic performance.”
To fabricate these defect-free fibres, the NTU-led team meticulously selected pairs of common semiconductor and synthetic materials, strategically combining silicon semiconductor cores with silica glass tubes and germanium cores with aluminosilicate glass tubes. These materials, chosen for their complementary attributes such as thermal stability and electrical conductivity, played a pivotal role in achieving the desired functionality of the fibres.
The manufacturing process involved heating the selected semiconductor material inside the glass tube until it reached a malleable state, enabling it to be drawn into a continuous, hair-thin strand. This intricate process, characterised by precise control of melting points and thermal expansion rates, ensured the seamless production of defect-free semiconductor fibres.
Dr Wang Zhixun, the First Author of the study, emphasised, “Extensive analysis guided us in identifying the optimal combination of materials and processes required to fabricate our fibres. By exploiting the unique properties of our selected materials, we successfully generated long threads devoid of defects, marking a significant advancement in semiconductor fibre technology.”
In laboratory experiments, the semiconductor fibres exhibited exceptional performance across various metrics. Demonstrating robust responsivity, these fibres effectively detected the entire visible light range, from ultraviolet to infrared, while transmitting signals with a bandwidth of up to 350 kilohertz (kHz), surpassing industry standards. Moreover, these fibres exhibited remarkable durability, proving to be 30 times tougher than conventional fibres.
Furthermore, the semiconductor fibres demonstrated outstanding washability, retaining their performance even after undergoing ten cycles of washing in a conventional washing machine.
Distinguished University Professor Gao Huajian, Co-principal Investigator of the study, noted, “The successful fabrication of ultra-long semiconductor fibres underscores the viability of flexible components using silicon and germanium, offering unprecedented opportunities for the development of wearable devices in various forms.”
To validate the practical applicability of these fibres, the NTU team seamlessly integrated them into everyday wearable items, including beanies, shirts, and smartwatches, showcasing their versatility and ease of adoption. Compatible with existing textile industry machinery, these fibres hold the potential for large-scale production, offering a cost-effective solution for wearable electronics.
Looking ahead, the research team aims to expand the repertoire of materials used for semiconductor fibres, exploring novel configurations to further broaden their applications in wearable technology.
NTU Singapore’s breakthrough in semiconductor fibre technology heralds a new era in wearable electronics, epitomising the transformative potential of interdisciplinary research and innovation in advancing technological frontiers.